In the past food was seasonal; you bought it by weight from a butcher or grocer and you had a pretty good idea about its provenance and freshness.

Today we eat differently.

We want produce to be available year-round, the convenience of food that’s pre-cooked, and details of its nutritional value and how it should be prepared (and stored) printed on the packaging.

For these reasons, and more, we need different types of storage containers.

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As what we consume undergoes more processes, from importation through to transportation and modern cooking techniques, aspects like traceability, correct identification of ingredients, and dating and labelling stored goods are key when it comes to keeping every customer safe.

Here we explore those all-important rules and procedures that food businesses must adhere to by law.

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Ice cream is a delicious treat but within its lip-smacking yumminess can lurk hidden health hazards.

We tend to think that things like meats and shellfish are among the main culprits when it comes to food poisoning, but the truth is most foods can be a danger to health if they are not stored properly.

And ice cream is no different.

Something as easily done as leaving a tub out of the fridge for a while can have consequences. Ice cream melts easily when it’s at room temperature, and that means it can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

It’s tempting to put melted ice cream back into the fridge to freeze again, especially if you are working in a commercial kitchen and there are large quantities. However, trying to save money could have much a more serious outcome.

In fact, it’s not only at home or in a restaurant kitchen that ice cream can become contaminated.

Indeed, producers need to be aware that bacteria can develop in their product during the manufacturing process or when it is shipped to the stores.

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What are noble gases and why are said gases used in food packaging?

Noble gases are sometimes referred to as aerogens and they are a group if elements of the periodic table that share similar properties.

These gases are all odourless, colourless, monatomic gases with a very low chemical reactivity. They were discovered by Sir William Ramsay in 1898 when he found that helium was present in air even when it had been completely removed from a closed container. He discovered that this was a result of its solubility in liquid nitrogen and named the gas “noble.”

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With food wastage another problem for the planet the more we know about different types of food storage, the better it is both for us as individuals and as a society. Food storage is important because it increases the shelf life of a product. Most of the edibles you buy in a supermarket will give you instructions on how to store it, including the place and temperature at which it should be kept.

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At Venturepak, we know that when it comes to making and selling any kind of food, the most important thing is to keep people healthy. That’s why we are devoted to helping you source the best containers to suit your requirements.

But it’s not enough to ensure that certain produce is kept in a food safe, airtight container. Anyone who works in a setting with food and drink also needs to understand the importance of food colour coding.

Here, we explain why you should always implement a food colour coding system and how this can be done simply and effectively.

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One of the key elements you must address when entering the catering business is the correct food storage for your business.

If you’re a newbie to the food industry, or your comestible packaging solutions aren’t performing well, it’s time to explore the various types of food storage in a professional kitchen that you may require.

From selecting the perfect size to picking the best shape and material, navigating the many packaging options can be difficult.

Luckily, Venturepak has accumulated many years of invaluable experience in the packaging sector that can help steer you toward the right food containers for your storage needs.

So, whether you’re running a restaurant, have an outside catering business, or are providing ready meals to supermarkets, we’ll have your bases covered.

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Want to know why are foods packaged? Food packaging is integral to the modern food industry, not only does it enclose food to prevent it from contamination, protecting it from heat, light and other external factors, but it also contains vital information about the brand, nutrition, and expiry dates.


From meal prep containers, to ice cream containers, Venturepak can cater for all your food packaging needs. Plus, as we are industry leaders in our field, our experts are able to dissect an answer to the question ‘why are foods packaged?’ please read more to find out…

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If you’re new to the catering industry or your current comestible packaging solutions just aren’t performing as you’d hoped, then it might be time to explore your commercial food storage container choices. From selecting the perfect size to picking the best shape and material, navigating the many packaging options can be difficult.

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Tired of flimsy, unsafe or even fragile food storage containers? If you’re struggling to choose between glass containers and plastic pots, then you’ve come to the right place. To find out which food containers are the best for storing a wide range of comestibles, we’ve compared a variety of different food container materials based on their safety, durability and reliability.

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